From: Mario Plasencia []
Sent: mercredi, 3. mars 2004 09:51
To: Miodrag Prokic
Subject: FW: ultrasonics for recovery


This client is a recyling company for taking platinum group metals from fuel cells, metal substrate/metal foil and catalytic converters. Do you know how they are taking platinum from such parts? Is it the same chemical technology?




-----Original Message-----
From: baam.1 []
Sent: Wednesday, 03 March, 2004 04:17
Subject: ultrasonics for recovery




Please forward some information about the success of your system in the area of Ultrasonically Assisted Precious Metal Recovery.

In particular, from what areas (sources) have you been successful?

I am interested in applications for the recycling industry.


Thank you in advance for your input.


Bruce Rogove